Welcome to Our Genealogy


This website will give you an introduction to some of the families to which I belong.  It is the result of my genealogy dabbling for the past few years.  It has been an interesting journey through family history and I have collected a vast amount of data.  This website is definitely a work in progress.  Some ancestors were easier to track down than others and much more research needs to be done to fill in the many blanks and question marks.  In addition to my adding more information over time I hope that individuals from all of these families will add pictures, documents and stories.

Please email me at barbara.mayer@maine.edu with your comments and questions.

Barbara Mayer: daughter of Eleanor Schwarz Mayer & Malvin Joseph Mayer; granddaughter of Sylvia Weingart Schwarz & Robert Schwarz and Ruth Redelsheimer Mayer & Joseph Mayer; great granddaughter of Lena Schottenfels Weingart & Samuel Weingart and Julia Robitschek Schwarz & Max Schwarz and Betsy Mayer Redelsheimer & Moses Redelsheimer and  Dessa Hanaur Mayer & Mark Mayer; great-great grandaughter of Marie Wallenstein & Anton Schwarz and Sophia ? Mayer & Leopold Mayer.

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